Day 9

20 juli 2017 - Marthrown of Mabie, Verenigd Koninkrijk


Our last real day in Scotland... It has gone by so fast (what an awful cliche but it's true). Today we had a day off and we played some games, read a bit and packed our bags. Also, at 6pm we left with Mike, his partner Mary and their two dogs to the cliffs, because Mike really wanted to show us. Before we went there, we stopped at a pizza shop to pick up pizzas to eat at the beach which was really really nice. After we'd all finished our pizza, our hike began. We first went through several meadows which all had signs that said "Watch out for the bull" or "Watch out for violent cows protecting their offspring" which kind of scared us but luckily there was no cow to be seen. We learned about kissing gates and how that was the spot where Mary and Mike first met. Then we finally got to the cliffs themselves which was really impressive. The view from there was beautiful - it was a very clear evening so you could see all the way across the coast. We could even see the Isle of Man! At some points, we were walking not even half a meter from the side (and the cliffs were about 150 meters high) and knowing I can be quite clumsy, I really had to concentrate on not falling... Luckily, we all survived (even the dogs - we had lost one of them multiple times). After that, we went back to the campsite and I went straight to bed. Our last night! 

Tomorrow we will be travelling to Newcastle where we will take the ferry at 5pm. I hope everything will be alright!

See you tomorrow!


#scotland #somuchfun #hiyamrmeek #cliffs